A Little Bit Of Extra Effort Can Hugely Transform Your Storytelling Skills
Always keep the viewer in mind.
Matplotlib is pretty underrated when it comes to creating professional-looking plots. Yet, it is totally capable of doing so.
For instance, consider the two plots below.
Yes, both were created using matplotlib. But a bit of formatting makes the second plot much more informative, appealing, and easy to follow.
The title and subtitle significantly aid the story. Also, the footnote offers extra important information, which is nowhere to be seen in the basic plot.
Lastly, the bold bar immediately draws the viewer's attention and convey's the category's importance.
So what's the message here?
Towards being a good data storyteller, ensure that your plot demands minimal effort from the viewer. Thus, don’t shy away from putting in that extra effort. This is especially true for professional environments.
At times, it may be also good to ensure that your visualizations convey the right story, even if they are viewed in your absence.
I have provided the step-by-step process (with code) for creating this plot here: GitHub.
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I like to explore, experiment and write about data science concepts and tools. You can read my articles on Medium. Also, you can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.