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Let’s get to today’s post!
Speedup KMeans with Faiss
KMeans is trained as follows:
Step 1) Initialize centroids
Step 2) Find the nearest centroid for each point
Step 3) Reassign centroids
Step 4) Repeat until convergence
But in this implementation, “Step 2” has a run-time bottleneck, as this step involves a brute-force and exhaustive search.
In other words, this finds the distance of every data point from every centroid.
As a result, this step isn’t optimized, and it takes plenty of time to train and predict.
This is especially challenging with large datasets.
To speed up KMeans, one of the implementations I usually prefer, especially on large datasets, is Faiss by Facebook AI Research.
To elaborate further, Faiss provides a much faster nearest-neighbor search using approximate nearest-neighbor search algorithms.
It uses an “Inverted Index,” which is an optimized data structure to store and index the data point.
We covered indexing techniques in the vector databases article here: A Beginner-friendly and Comprehensive Deep Dive on Vector Databases
This makes performing clustering extremely efficient, especially on large datasets, which is also evident from the image below:
As shown above, on a dataset of 500k data points (1024 dimensions), Faiss is roughly 20x faster than KMeans from Sklearn, which is an insane speedup.
What’s more, Faiss can also run on a GPU, which can further speed up your clustering run-time performance.
👉 Get started with Faiss here: GitHub.
👉 Over to you: What are some other limitations of the KMeans algorithm?
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