AutoProfiler: Automatically Profile Your DataFrame As You Work
...without writing any redundant code.
Pandas AutoProfiler: Automatically profile Pandas DataFrames at each execution, without any code.
AutoProfiler is an open-source dataframe analysis tool in jupyter. It reads your notebook and automatically profiles every dataframe in your memory as you change them.
In other words, if you modify an existing dataframe, AutoProfiler will automatically update its corresponding profiling.
Also, if you create a new dataframe (say from an existing dataframe), AutoProfiler will automatically profile that as well, as shown below:
Profiling info includes column distribution, summary stats, null stats, and many more. Moreover, you can also generate the corresponding code, with its export feature.
Find more info here: GitHub Repo.
👉 Watch a video demo of this post for better clarity here: Demo Link.
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Find the code for my tips here: GitHub.
I like to explore, experiment and write about data science concepts and tools. You can read my articles on Medium. Also, you can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.