Probably The Fastest Way To Execute Your Python Code
So the best way to speedup python is by not using python?
Many Python programmers are often frustrated with Python’s run-time. Here’s how you can make your code blazingly fast by changing just one line.
Codon is an open-source, high-performance Python compiler. In contrast to being an interpreter, it compiles your python code to fast machine code.
Thus, post compilation, your code runs at native machine code speed. As a result, typical speedups are often of the order 50x or more.
According to the official docs, if you know Python, you already know 99% of Codon. There are very minute differences between the two, which you can read here: Codon docs.
Find some more benchmarking results between Python and Codon below:
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Find the code for my tips here: GitHub.
I like to explore, experiment and write about data science concepts and tools. You can read my articles on Medium. Also, you can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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