Under default conditions, decision trees always overfit.
This is because a decision tree (in sklearn’s implementation, for instance), is allowed to grow until all leaves are pure.
As the model correctly classifies ALL training instances, this leads to 100% overfitting and poor generalization.
Random Forest addresses this by introducing randomness in two ways:
While creating a bootstrapped dataset.
While deciding a node’s split criteria by choosing candidate features randomly.
This aids the Bagging objective, whose mathematical foundations we covered in this detailed article: Why Bagging is So Ridiculously Effective At Variance Reduction?
That said, there’s one more algorithm that introduces more randomness into a random forest.
It’s called the ExTra Trees algorithm
Note: ExTra Trees does not mean more trees. Instead, it’s a short form for Extra Randomized.
ExtRa Trees are Random Forests with an additional source of randomness.
Here’s how it works:
Create a bootstrapped dataset for each tree (same as RF)
Select candidate features randomly for node splitting (same as RF)
Now, Random Forest calculates the best-split threshold for each candidate feature.
But ExtRa Trees chooses this split threshold randomly as well.
This is the source of extra randomness.
After that, the best candidate feature is selected. This further reduces the variance of the model.
Below, I have compared three models — decision tree, random forest, and ExTra trees on a dummy dataset:
Decision Trees entirely overfit.
Random Forests work better.
ExTra Trees performs marginally better.
⚠️ A cautionary measure while using ExtRa Trees from Sklearn.
By default, the bootstrap
flag is set to False
Make sure you run it with bootstrap=True
, otherwise, it will use the whole dataset for each tree.
If you want to get into the mathematical foundations of Bagging, which will also help you build your own Bagging models, we covered it here: Why Bagging is So Ridiculously Effective At Variance Reduction?
👉 Over to you: Can you think of another way to add randomness to Random Forest?
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