Sometimes you write such valuable blogs (at least I find them valuable). This time it is such a clear and short description of typing in Python. With this information I can start to use the Type hints. Thank you again
Hi Omar. Sorry I am only able recall the type() function in Python, which is used to determine the data type. Can you tell me if I am missing something?
Sometimes you write such valuable blogs (at least I find them valuable). This time it is such a clear and short description of typing in Python. With this information I can start to use the Type hints. Thank you again
Simple and precise 🙌
Avi, can you shed some light on the new `type` keyword introduced and provide some examples?
Hi Omar. Sorry I am only able recall the type() function in Python, which is used to determine the data type. Can you tell me if I am missing something?
Hey Avi! I believe it's a new feature in 3.12 that allows you to declare type aliases by prefixing the name with the builtin `type` [keyword](