Interesting find! Does this belief, that dictionaries find a key based on the object's ID, originate from the requirement that dictionary keys have to be unique? I also read in Python documentation that "Dictionaries work by computing a hash code for each key stored in the dictionary using the hash()".
"Thus, if two objects have the same hash value, then a dictionary will consider them as identical keys."
If they are equal (like 1==True, 1.0 == 1). If they are not equal and have the same hash that is just a **hash collision**, and all the objects are stored, see:
I got to start my day well with this :)
Thank you
Interesting find! Does this belief, that dictionaries find a key based on the object's ID, originate from the requirement that dictionary keys have to be unique? I also read in Python documentation that "Dictionaries work by computing a hash code for each key stored in the dictionary using the hash()".